Wednesday, July 11, 2012

BrokenHouseHeart (HeartBrokenHouse?)

There's one home listed that I've been drooling over for about a month now.  Since it didn't sell within the first week, as so many of them are this season, I had thought maybe it was hidden, or undesirable, and would just hang out until we got everything ready to actually SEE it.

Alas, as of this morning it's listed as sale pending.  Frak.  Double triple gaaaah!

This is when I end up typing things into Google like, "how to deal with disappointment when house hunting", and get mediocre-but-somehow-helpful advice.  Frown, grimace.

Getting over it.  Remembering that there are other houses out there that will be lovely and cozy and available, and we'll be the overwhelmed homeowners.  To the future!

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